An Important Message For Financial Professionals

77% of The People You Know Including Your Current Clients,
Former Clients, Warm Leads, Cold Leads, AND Dead Leads...

Have A Problem That You’ve Never Addressed...

Until Now!

From: Rick Bennight & Tracey Spikes
RE: An UN-Solved Problem

Dear Fellow Financial Professional,

I know exactly how hard you work to be successful. Besides being in the business, I currently work with over 200 financial professionals, just like you.

One thing is true for all of us: it's hard work to get an interested lead and even harder work to earn a new client's trust and ultimately their business.

But, once we break through that barrier – once we become a trusted advisor – it’s easier than ever to earn repeat business and referrals.

Especially if we can solve one of our clients’ biggest problems.

Which is where Debt Free 4 Life™ comes in!

Debt Free 4 Life™ addresses one of the biggest problems faced by 77% of Americans...debt!

In all forms, debt is financially painful: it’s a consistent weight on the back of our minds at all times.

Debt often holds us back from the lives we hope to lead, and leads to stress, health problems, and marital issues at record levels.

Fortunately, Debt Free 4 Life™ is a smart financially unique solution!

Not only does this proprietary system help our clients pay their debts off years (sometimes decades) earlier...

It can also save them tens of thousands of dollars in interest...

Build their wealth at the same time...

And does it all tax-free!

You Make Money While Helping Everyday People
Solve A Real Problem!

That’s are helping everyday folks pay off their debts faster, build a comfortable nest egg!

And I know it works because my first client! I paid off over $469,368 in debt and went from expecting to remain in debt for the next 22.3 years making minimum payments to being paid off 15.7 years sooner redirecting my financial resources and accumulating over $63,026 dollars within 6.7 years of being debt free.

That's what makes Debt Free 4 Life™ so unique - you get rid of the debt you have and have cash in the future to finance future purchases.

So, what is Debt Free 4 Life™?

Simply put, Debt Free 4 Life™ is a three-legged wealth-building tool.

It allows clients to simultaneously:

  • Pay off debts ahead of schedule, potentially saving tens of thousands of dollars in interest
  • Build their personal wealth so once they are out of debt, they won't have to take out a loan to finance future big purchases
  • Do it all tax-free!

To see exactly how it works, let’s look at one of the more popular debt elimination methods out there: the Debt Snowball.

With a Debt Snowball, you make your minimum payment on all your debts, and put any extra funds towards your smallest debt. Once that's paid off, you "snowball" those payments towards your next smallest debt.

The size of your "extra" payments gets bigger and bigger, until you have a "snowball" of funds all going to your largest debt. It allows you to pay off your debts much faster, and save on interest.

But what happens once your debts are cleared?

You haven't saved any money, and if you need to make any kind of big purchase, you're back to borrowing!

Here's Where Debt Free 4 Life™ Really Shines!

Debt Free 4 Life™ is a modified snowball approach.

The big difference is where those "extra" payments go. Instead of attacking your smallest debt, your extra funds instead go into a cash accumulation focused "blended" whole life insurance policy. This specially designed insurance policy accumulates dividends, paid by the insurance company, over time and the cash value grows every month with each premium payment.

Then, when you have enough funds in the policy's cash value, you take a policy loan and pay off that smallest debt in full. Now, the minimum payments you were making towards that debt gets redirected into your Debt Free 4 Life™ insurance policy, paying off the policy loan to the insurance company while the cash value continuously compounds in the whole life policy.

Then, when it's time to pay off the next debt, you repeat the process again and take a loan from the whole life cash value, pay the debt and repay the policy loan.

That's how Debt Free 4 Life™ works.

Debt Free 4 Life™ helps you (or your clients) pay off debt almost as fast as the traditional debt snowball method, but after you've paid off all the banks, lenders and the policy loan, with Debt Free 4 Life™ you're not sitting on zero dollars - you have cash value.

Ideally, you'll never need to take a bank loan for any big purchase ever again. Instead, you simply borrow out of your own policy for major purchases and pay your insurance policy loan back and allow the cash value to continuously compound for you.

Let’s see how this works in practice, with this case study:

Scott and Erin had over $320,000 worth of debt.

At the rate Scott and Erin were going, it would have taken them nearly 18 years to clear out that debt, making the required minimum monthly payments.

At the end of 18 years, they'd have no more debt, but also no savings either.

They were paying over $3,500 a month, and because they had “good interest rates”, they were confused why they weren't making a dent in what they owed.

The reason these monthly payments had such low impact was because of their effective interest cost:

Even though Scott and Erin were paying an average interest rate of just over 3%, we explained that their effective interest cost was actually more than 25%.

Meaning for every one of their $3,500 monthly payments, Scott and Erin were paying $907 in interest!

And money lost to interest is money lost forever.

Once Scott and Erin got over the shock of how much money they were paying towards just interest, we showed them the Debt Free 4 Life™ approach:

How much faster they could pay off their debt the Debt Free 4 Life™ way...

With Debt Free 4 Life™, Scott and Erin will have an option other than just making minimum monthly payments and to be debt free in just over 6 years...and more importantly, they’ll be debt free over 11 years sooner than if they’d just stayed the course!

Following the plan as designed, they’d save $49,650 in future interest by paying off their debt so much faster.

And the most important thing...

At the end of their Debt Free 4 Life™ program, five years after paying off all their debts, Scott and Erin will have accumulated $227,000 in tax-free cash value!

Which means Scott and Erin likely never have to go back into debt! Any big purchase from now on could be financed by their cash value, NOT by a big box lender.

Plus, you'd earn a happy new client and be fairly compensated for your valuable service.

This is a win-win for your client and you!

So, Would You Like to Help People In Your Market Get Debt Free with a 100% Transferable System?

If so, Debt Free 4 Life™ system is turnkey.

When you become a subscriber to Debt Free 4 Life™ you receive your very own personalized, done-for-you marketing page that gets potential clients excited about this unique, modified Debt Snowball solution. This page has:

  • Your name and phone number and is completely branded to you, so potential clients always go through you after they visit your page.
  • Interactive reporting & communication tools to show clients just how much they are losing to Effective Interest Costs and the value in learning more about the Debt Free 4 Life™ approach...these tools are designed to get clients interested, engaged and ready to move forward with a discussion with you and they’ll come knowing what to expect when you meet with them.

Most will want more information, or have some lingering questions they forgot to ask. Which is why all Debt Free 4 Life™ professionals have the option to bulk buy copies of the 44-page book written by Tracey Spikes. The book comes with your name and contact information on the back cover so the prospective client contacts you to build their Debt Free 4 Life™ plan.

This book:

  • Demonstrates to clients you understand the challenges of debt management and have solutions.
  • Answers the most frequently asked questions and educates clients on how Debt Free 4 Life™ will specifically help them.
  • Simplifies complicated concepts into an easy-to-understand solution the client will understand.
  • It explains exactly how the plan works, the use of whole life insurance and why it is used in full transparency.

At Debt Free 4 Life™, we want you to be successful. In fact, our #1 priority is to make sure you succeed in helping people eliminate debt and build wealth, as quickly as possible. You also get access to our 24/7 online coaching group. All of our experienced Debt Free 4 Life™ subscribers are active there.

Use this group to:

  • Discover new ways to present the Debt Free 4 Life™ program to your existing clients and address frequently asked question before they even come up
  • Find out how to approach non-clients (and re-approach dead leads) in new and unique ways to re-engage them
  • Find out what marketing is working from the subscribers who have been active in Debt Free 4 Life

And that’s everything you’ll need to add a debt elimination component to your business, just simply follow our process!

And best of all, you can earn fair compensation while helping many Americans solve a real and pressing problem!

The initial purchase to become a Debt Free 4 Life™ professional as a subscriber is $197/month for continued access to the report generating software and training membership site.

Until now, we’ve kept this program small in number. We’ve limited it to a manageable number of advisors so we could make sure the process is easy-to-understand and proven to be transferable.

Multiple Ways To Earn Money As A Debt Free 4 Life™ Subscriber!

As a Debt Free 4 Life™ Subscriber, you have the potential to grow your business in multiple ways:

  • The ability to attract other professionals to do joint casework with you on split cases.
  • An automated communication system to manage all your new Debt Free 4 Life™ clients, some of whom may have 401(k) accounts from past employers or IRAs that they’d like to have reviewed by you (or your team).
  • Access to the report generating software and training membership site exclusively reserved for Debt Free 4 Life™ subscribers.

And again, you get all of this for $197/month!

Don't Want To Do Your Own Cases? You May Prefer Earning Half The Compensation Making Introductions!

That’s right...The Debt Free 4 Life™ subscriber community loves doing joint casework. That allows you to team up with one of the more experienced agents and split commissions. You make the introduction. They make the sale, and you both split theresulting compensation.

It could be as simple as:

You: "Mr. Client, what are you doing about your debts?"

Mr. Client: "Just trying to pay them off as fast as I can."

You: "What if I told you there was a way to pay your debts off much faster?"

Mr. Client: "Go on..."

You: "Well, my colleague is a specialist at helping folks just like you pay off large amounts of debt years ahead of schedule, and at the same time build up a substantial nest egg. So your wealth builds at the same time you eliminate your debts."

Mr. Client: "Really?"

You: "Absolutely. Over the last few years, they've helped over clients clear millions of debt, while at the same time saving millions in interest expenses! And they've helped them build sizable cash values too!"

Mr. Client: "That sounds incredible, how does it work?"

You: "Here, read this book and then I’ll have my colleague explain it to you and specifically how it may help you. He's exceptional at this type of planning. Let's check our schedules and I’ll make that introduction - does that work for you?"

Mr. Client: "Yes, it does!"

That’s it! Make the connection, let one of our experienced agent subscribers take the lead on a joint case, and split the commissions. All while helping your clients solve a very real problem!

You can follow in the footsteps of Rao G., a successful wealth advisor.

In 2022, Rao earned substantial commissions by making these simple introductions and doing joint cases with one of our more experienced advisors.

And here’s what Rao has to say about Debt Free 4 Life™:

This is THE referral business for me - it's something we seamlessly added on to our service offering with immediate client interest. Frankly, we've been surprised by the demand from our clients. Not just for them, but as a proactive solution for their children and grandchildren. Every financial professional should be offering proactive debt management solutions like Debt Free 4 Life™.

Remember: over 7 out of 10 people you know, statistically, are IN DEBT. So you are addressing a big, very challenging problem for the vast majority of Americans.

I can promise you this - if you don’t address debt as the important issue that it is there is a good chance another advisor will get with your contacts, your clients, your prospects & marketing list and try to take business away from you.

Americans really need help with debt.

Any additional revenue you earn from this program will be well deserved because, if done right, it’ll be just a small percentage of the benefits you create for the clients you served.

I’m excited to have you join the Debt Free 4 Life™ subscriber family and help set American families free from burdensome debt.


Tracey Spikes
The Original Debt Free 4 Life™ Advisor

*For Agent Broker use only, not for consumer use. Educational information. Refer to existing Insurance company literature for consumer interfacing.

*Participation in compensation and additional overrides is subject to your agency agreements.

*A subscriber may NEVER charge a fee for the Debt Free 4 Life™ report.